Monday, September 28, 2009

Awful Facts About Smoking and Pregnancy

Women who smoke have a significantly smaller chance of conceiving a child, and smokers are more likely to suffer miscarriages. Men who smoke tend to have lower sperm counts; one study concluded that half a pack a day can lower the sperm count by 20%.

Babies of smokers tend to have lower birth weights and a higher chance of being born prematurely, which results in increased health risks. Furthermore, children of smokers suffer from the effects of secondhand smoke; effects that may include asthma, bronchitis and cancer. Do I have to tell you to quit smoking forever before getting pregnant?

Calculate Chances of Conception

Researchers found that couples who had sex every day had a 25% chance of conceiving, while couples who had sex every other day had a 22% chance.

Once-a-week sex drops the chances of conceiving to 10%. So, if you want to get pregnant in the most time-efficient manner, sex-every-other-day will help you get the job done while leaving you time to clean the refrigerator. On the other hand, if you have plenty of time and energy, you can raise your chances of conceiving by 3% if you want to make a nightly date with your partner. Once you’re pregnant, you can claim nausea and let him clean the fridge.

Ovulation, Conception, and Fertility Predictions by Your Doctor

A woman once blamed her doctor for getting her pregnant. It seems he forgot to tell her that the antibiotics he had prescribed for her might render the birth control pill ineffective. When doctors mess up, they mess up bad, and a doctor who isn’t paying attention can make mistakes that effect patients’ fertility and conception.

Probably one of the bigger mistakes that doctors make revolves around the fact that women’s menstrual cycles are individual. The 28-day cycle is an average, and any doctor who assumes that patients are on a 28-day calendar will make mistakes in testing that relies on accurate timing. Your doctor should schedule a test of the quality of cervical mucus within 24 hours after the surge of luteinizing hormone. Called a “post-coital exam, this test checks on how well sperm can swim through the cervical mucus. Another test whose accuracy depends on exquisite timing is the serum progesterone test. This blood test has to be made precisely seven days after ovulation to check whether your progesterone levels are correct. Progesterone prepares the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg.

Your doctor should be aware that your cycle may very well differ from the 28-day average, and may ask you to keep a cycle journal or to use fertility testing kits to determine accurate testing dates.

(One reason that first pregnancies have historically been “late” is that the doctor’s delivery prediction was usually based on asking the date of the last period without asking how long the cycle was. This resulted in miscalculation of the delivery date, and since many women have 30 days cycles, when doctors used calendars for pregnancy information, they were often too early in their predictions.)

Semen analysis should be performed to make sure that the man’s sperm cells are numerous and viable. Measles can result in male sterility, and a high fever can reduce sperm count. Doctors will probably also take a sexual history to rule out the chances of infertility caused by STDs.

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

The period that never comes is the classic sign of pregnancy, but some women get a clue before that. Many symptoms of pregnancy can arise right away: headache, nausea, fatigue, skin breakouts and increased sensitivity to scent are among the less delightful signs of impending motherhood.

If you think you might be pregnant but aren’t totally sure, you can wait until the 28th day of your cycle and then take a home pregnancy test. If you take one before the last day of your cycle, you stand a pretty good chance of getting a false negative reading.

Or, you can wait another day or two and see whether your period arrives. The old fashioned method is a lot cheaper, but sometimes, you just gotta know right away. If you don’t get pregnant right away, there may be a perfectly practical explanation. If you have been taking the birth control pill, your body may take a while to get back into the rhythm of ovulation, and it may be more than a month before it’s back on track. If you have used Depo-Provera, it could be as long as a year, and again, that’s natural. When we interfere with our bodies hormonally, they respond, and it takes time for them to reset their internal regulating functions.

When you don’t get pregnant, there may be one or more reasons behind it. If your partner has a low sperm count, you may have trouble conceiving. If there are problems with the viability of eggs, pregnancy may not occur. Many very early pregnancies terminate naturally after a few days, and women don’t even know it because they haven’t even shown signs of pregnancy yet. These early terminations are nature’s way of preventing a pregnancy when the embryo is not viable.

Most women of childbearing age, if they are having regular, unprotected sex, have a 20-40% chance of getting pregnant in each cycle. Accumulated over the course of six months, your chances of getting pregnant are very good indeed. Your age also has a bearing on how long it takes to conceive. Women under 25 years of age have a 96% chance of getting pregnant within a year of trying. Women age 26-34 have an 86% chance, and women 36-44 have a 78% chance of getting pregnant within a year.

The older you are, the shorter the time you should wait before contacting a doctor. It’s counterintuitive since as you can see above, the older you are, the lower your chances of conceiving, but the older you are, the less you should wait. When people do have problems with fertility, addressing the problem sooner maximizes the chances they have of still being fairly young when the baby is born, so you don't want to wait too long. If you are under 30 years old, don’t be surprised if it takes as long as a year to get pregnant. If you’re between 30 and 35, expect to wait up to nine months: if you haven’t conceived by then, you may want to see your doctor. If you’re between 36 and 40,see your doctor if you haven’t conceived after six months, and if you’re forty or over, you may want to see your doctor after three months.

Your gynecologist will refer you for fertility testing, and if you don’t conceive after around six months of working with your doctor, you may decide to work with a doctor who specializes in fertility treatments.

Relax a Busy Lifestyle to Increase Fertility

With more and more women building high-powered careers, childbearing tends to be forgotten until a milestone, like a 35th,39th or 40th birthday, reminds us that it’s time to get on with the rest of our lives.

When the urge strikes, it’s one of the most powerful wishes known to mankind. We say we’re “nesting” or our “biological clocks are ticking”, and women (and often men) who are in the throes of the urge want to run right out and do it now.

But if your lifestyle has been built around a fast pace, your body may not be prepared to pop out a baby on a minute’s notice. Rather than speeding to the drugstore for an ovulation predictor, you might want to spend a lazy weekend at a romantic B&B. Stress and the mind do more than we know to control fertility. People who have despaired of ever having children finally give up “trying” and adopt a child before miraculously getting pregnant.

All this is to say that, while there are people who have problems with getting pregnant, most people can do it as easily as falling off a log—providing they’re willing to put in a little more time and a lot less effort.

How's Your Fertility

Without ovulation, it is impossible to get pregnant, because the eggs stay tucked away in the ovary and can never meet up with an amorous sperm.

Without viable sperm, the whole baby thing will never get off the ground, so if you know when you’re fertile and ovulating and you’re making love at those times but aren’t getting any babies out of the deal, you may want to drive your sweetheart over to the urologist for a sperm count. Like women, men’s fertility can be affected by stress, fatigue, excessive heat, drugs and illness.

Fertility & Pregnancy Myths

You shouldn’t exercise much.
Actually, one of the worst things you can do to your body is to stop exercising before or during pregnancy. Starting a pregnancy with low energy and too much weight will put you in line for joint problems, hemorrhoids, the sodden feeling we all get when we don’t have enough activity and a tough weight loss challenge once the baby is born.

It is true that some kinds of exercise are not safe for pregnant women: squatting and abdominal exercises in particular should be avoided.

But your trainer or aerobics coach will tell you what you shouldn’t do, and other than that, plenty of regular physical activity will keep you healthy throughout your pregnancy. If you’re not much of an exerciser anyway, you may want to start exercising some months before getting pregnant just to help yourself weather the strain on the back and to keep your energy levels higher.

Too much exercise would be something that a few athletes, ballet dancers or eating-disordered women do to keep their weight well down before normal levels. If you exercise so much that your periods are irregular or have gone completely missing, you probably won’t be able to get pregnant anyway because your body will have temporarily shut down its ovulation schedule. In this case, you should check in with your doctor to plan an exercise schedule that is moderate and a diet that will help your baby grow strong and healthy once you have conceived.

Men’s underwear can prevent pregnancy.
Only if you sew him into it! There have been studies that showed that men who wore briefs had lower sperm counts than men who wore boxers. Millions of “briefs” men switched to boxers in order to do their part in making a baby, enduring the discomfort of having everything suddenly loose around their legs until their partners passed the pregnancy test. There are also studies that have shown no statistical difference in the fertility of men due to their underwear. The scientific opinion seems at this point to be that it doesn’t much matter what a man does with his underwear as long as he takes them off every once in awhile. That’s pretty much key in babymaking.

Men should postponed sex to “store up” sperm.
Naah. Unless a man has a definite problem with low sperm count, he has plenty and I mean PLENTY of sperm to get the job done, each and every time.

Women can’t get pregnant during menstruation.
While technically this is true, let’s discuss the exception that makes hundreds of women into mothers each year. While during your period you can’t get pregnant because you are not ovulating, you can have sex during your period, the sperm can hang around for a sperm lifespan of five days, and if you ovulate a little early while that sperm is still enjoying his post-coital cigarette, hey! Presto! And you’re pregnant. The chances are slim, though, and if you’re trying to get pregnant, sex during your period probably won’t be much help on the path to parenthood.

Blocked ducts

What is a blocked duct?

There are two kinds of blocked duct. If you find a painful swollen lump in your breast, often with a red inflamed patch on the skin near the lump, this is called a "blocked milk duct". In fact, the duct is not blocked in the true sense of the word but the tissue surrounding the milk duct has become inflamed, compressing the duct. Blocked ducts are actually the very early stages of mastitis.

True blocked ducts are much less common and tend to occur weeks or months into breastfeeding. Some women notice a small white spot at the end of their nipple, which is a sign of a duct that has become blocked with skin cells growing over it. True blocked ducts are easily treated. If you have one, you can usually remove it by piercing the end of it with a sterile needle or clean fingernail. Do this after your baby has fed when the skin on your nipple is softer.

What causes blocked ducts?

So-called "blocked ducts" (a more accurate description would be inflamed ducts) are almost always caused by breasts not being "milked" effectively by your baby when he feeds. If milk continues to "back up" because it is being made faster than it is removed, it eventually gets forced out into the breast tissue, where it causes inflammation in the breast, turning it red, hot and painful. If the milk also enters your bloodstream, you will feel flu-like and have a temperature - a sign of mastitis.

The flu-like feeling you get with mastitis is not normally a sign of infection (although mastitis can be an infection, it is usually an inflammation). The flu-like feeling is a sign that your body is treating the milk as a foreign protein and your immune system is fighting it.

What can I do about it?

The solution to blocked ducts is to make sure that your baby is feeding effectively. To do this, he must be properly latched on .
It is important to act quickly so that you can nip the symptoms in the bud before they develop into full-blown mastitis.

If you can, contact a breastfeeding counsellor or infant feeding advisor as soon as possible. She can help sort out your baby's latch-on and get your baby feeding effectively. This will keep your milk flowing through your breasts

In the meantime remember:

• It's important to keep feeding your baby, even though it may hurt. Feed as often as you can and avoid long stretches between feeds.

• Varying feeding positions may help your baby to latch on better.

• Taking ibuprofen may help with the inflammation and pain.

• Using a breast pump after each feed may help with milk removal.

• Warm (or cold) flannels on the breasts, warm baths and gentle massage may also help.

If your symptoms don't improve, or if you do start to feel ill and flu-like, see your doctor. You may have mastitis and you may need antibiotics if you have developed an infection. Read our article on mastitis for more information.

Will it affect my baby?

Sometimes your milk flow on the affected breast will be slower than usual, which may mean that your baby will become "fussy" when feeding on that breast. Otherwise, it shouldn't affect your baby.

Can I still breastfeed?

It's important to keep breastfeeding so that your baby drains the breast of any milk and you avoid getting mastitis. However, if you have a temperature after 24 hours and continue to experience pain after following the above advice, you should visit your doctor or health visitor.

Baby Furniture

Baby furniture is very necessary for babies. This is not advisable that parents prefer to make their child sleep with them on same bed. Parents can select baby furniture that is affordable, high quality and safe. Baby furniture includes cribs, bedding, toddler beds, child rocking chair, cot, child rocking horses, cradles, child desks, toy storage, child closet organizers, child storage and other accessories which are specially designed for infants and children.

Cot is baby furniture which provides security and safety for an infant because it has railings on all sides. Cots are available in various designs and sizes. Infants may enjoy playing with plastic toys and bells which are hanging on the railing.

Closet is also useful baby furniture that keeps all the shoes, clothes and nappies in different draws. There are lots of baby chairs that are ready to eat at the dining table; these are available in different designs, shapes and sizes.

Nowadays, baby furniture can purchase at a discounted rate and good schemes such as shifted from a cot to a bed. These baby furniture can be stored away for the next arrival, in case of parents plan another baby.

Important tips for selection of baby furniture:

  • Parents should go for funny designs and vibrant colors.
  • Always select furniture which can be used even the child grows older.
  • It should be adjustable and attractive.
  • Parents should go for child rocking chairs with themes such as Princess, Angel and Sports.
  • Always select baby furniture with safety features.

Baby Names

It is very difficult to find “Perfect Baby Name” for parents for their newborn baby. There are available various web links which contain lots of baby name and their meanings. Not only this, sites include popular baby name, unique, uncommon, modern and unusual baby names for both girls and boys.

Name is a word or combination of words which can distinguished from others person. “Name” is given by both grandparents to their child at birth. First name is selected by parents and but last name or surname is given, which identifies the family to which boy or girl baby belongs. Name is identified properly an individual person. There are lots of Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain names.


Selecting a name that is on the top of popularity lists, it can be very risky. Newborn baby will be left with a popular name and do not stay famous forever. Parents can use baby name finder to search a unique, simple names that are in the bottom 10% or bottom 25% of the rankings.


At the time of selection of names, always consider what pet names or nicknames can be derived from selected name and test the pet names or nicknames for compatibility. Parents may want to choose full name of their newborn baby such as Joseph, but there are also nick names like Joey or Joe.

Joseph will be called by these nicknames by someone. People who are against nicknames, they can be selected name such as Ethan, Justin, Mark, Todd, Carl, Blake, Adam, Dean, Ross for boys and Gail, Chelsa, Amber, Paige, Bryn for girls.


Parents can select the names for their newborn baby out of celebrities names list. These celebrities names often fade with time, but most of people are using these popular names. Some people choose names of the characters that played by celebrities in the films and on TV.


There are many ways to select unique name for those who do not like to use a traditional name or popular name. Various methods people can use to select unusual name or unique name is to use foreign variation of a popular name, using an occupation name like Sailor, using a place name like Dakota or Dallas or using a surname as a first name like Kennedy.

Parents can create baby names by adding a prefix before a name like La-, Da-, Ta-, etc, by adding a diminutive ending to a popular name like –ette, -ina, -ita or blending or spelling a common name differently or combing other names.

Risk of using a unique name is that to make child stand out from the crowd, child can lead to teasing or he/she may stand out too much.

Baby name finder makes it very easy to select different names. Parents can save them to a list and this make to share parent’s views with others.

Baby Food

Baby food is any substance that provide extra energy to baby. It is made between the ages of six months to two years for infants. Baby food comes in various varieties with different tastes and manufacturers. Baby food can be in the form of liquid paste, soft or a chewed food easily, because infants may experience in eating and lack of teeth.

Some babies want food other than milk due to different baby. There is not food pyramid for infants. When the child has teeth, he/she begins to eat solid food.

Doctors are suggested to parents that offers a baby food at the age of six months. Traditionally, it is common that give solid food after around four years old.

During the first year of baby’s life, breast milk is necessary to provide all the nutrition which baby needs. Parents should always consult pediatrician to starting any type of new baby food for infant.

When mother is making homemade baby food, she must use clean hands, clean preparation surfaces, clean cooking utensils such as pans or pots.

All children are different and never tolerate the same type of foods daily. Therefore, parents should offer different types of food to their baby. Later they can give a combination of fresh vegetables and fruits.

When to offer solid foods to baby?

At the age between 4 to 6 months, Cereals is good for baby. In 7 th months, parents can start give fresh vegetables to their babies. Next month, they can introduce fresh fruits and juice of fruits. After 10 th month, cheese, egg yolks and yogurt will be provided to child.

Baby food safety

  • Always clean your hands and feeding equipment while preparing baby food.
  • Parents must be taken special care when making baby foods.
  • Do not let baby food more than two hours at room.
  • Freeze or refrigerate baby food immediately.

How to make baby food?

  • Firstly, wash dirty hands and utensils for making baby food.
  • Prepare fresh vegetables and fruits by peeling, removing seeds or pits and scrubbing.
  • Always cook food in a small quantity of water. Always baby food may be baked or steamed.
  • Do not add honey, sugar or any form of sweetener.
  • Do not add salt or seasonings in baby food.
  • Mash or puree cooked baby food.

How to store baby food?

There are many types of storage the baby food. Parents can store fresh fruit or vegetables within three days for babies. Baby food can be stored in the refrigerator.

Baby Eye Care: Vision Problem, Tips for Choosing a Doctor


In the flurry of parental commitments, do not overlook vision care. The ability to see is a gift, and parents and medical professionals alike must be prepared to monitor a child's eye development.

Infant Vision

Following the birth of your child, a doctor will examine your infant. Among a slew of medical tests, the doctor will conduct an abbreviated vision exam. This establishes a point of reference for the future care of your child.

Newborns are able to see but cannot focus their eyes until six months of age. Infants will commonly exhibit a yellow pigment in their eyes known as jaundice. As the liver processes waste, this yellow tint will disappear. If jaundice does not disappear after one week, parents should contact medical professionals.

Monitoring Vision

When you take your bundle of joy home, monitor your child's vision on a daily basis. At this stage, vision is defined in terms of responsiveness. Infants should attempt to follow faces and eyes from side to side as people or things capture their visual interest.

The First Six Months

Eyes complete development by six months of age. Accordingly, the first vision appointment should be scheduled at six months. The eye care professional will examine visual acuity, (the ability to see clearly), by observing responsiveness to movement.

Vision Problems

Some infants struggle with the infamous "lazy eye." Technically known as strabismus, it occurs when one or both eyes turn in or out while focusing on an object. In some cases, if left untreated, strabismus will lead to diminished vision or complete vision loss. 'Lazy eyes' are noticeable after four months of development.

Newborns may appear cross-eyed because eye muscle coordination is undeveloped. This problem should significantly diminish by 6 months of age. If the problem persists, parents should consult an eye care specialist. Treatment may necessitate usage of an eye patch, muscle exercises, and/or surgery. Options vary according to severity and the age of the child.

When to See an Eye Doctor

It is extremely difficult to establish visual acuity until age four. However, parents must schedule the first formal eye exam at 6 months. Future appointments will be scheduled as recommended by the eye care specialist. After two years of age, children are monitored annually, or as frequently as is preferred by the specialist.

Choosing an Eye Care Specialist

Eye care experts observe the pupils and scrutinize visual acuity and eye movement. Parents may utilize an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Although both professionals are trained to examine internal and external eye structures, there are critical differences between these vocations.

Types of Specialists

Ophthalmologists specialize in the medical and surgical care of the visual system, inclusive of eyes and eye muscles. Ultimately, ophthalmologists assist in the prevention and treatment of eye disease and injury. This type of eye doctor is a doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO).

Optometrists are eye doctors of optometry (OD). They do not provide surgical services. Scope of care is limited to visual examination and disorder detection, prescriptive and corrective non-surgical care.

Affording Care

Consult with your insurance agency to understand provided vision care coverage. Plans may restrict treatment to an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Insurances companies may recommend practitioners covered by your health care plan.

Choosing a Doctor

Parents and children must feel comfortable with the doctor and the facility. Appropriate facilities boast a clean, youth-friendly environment in a safe neighborhood. Offices should be outfitted with modern medical tools.

The best way to locate an eye care specialist is through referrals from parents or family doctors. Alternatively, contact hospitals and government regulated agencies for a list of competent ophthalmologists and optometrists.

Summary: Parents must provide adequate medical care for their children. Vision care is an integral component of lifetime health development that should be formally monitored after 6 months of age.

Infant Teething and Dental Care


Dental hygiene begins as soon as your child consumes food products of any kind. In the early stages of development, children experience the teething process. Parents should think of creative ways to ease this pain and maintain a commitment to their child's life-long dental care.

Dental Health

Parents must establish beneficial dental hygiene practices with their children as early as possible. Dental care is an invaluable preventative care measure that will lead to years of positive dental health.

Parental Care

Prior to the first year of age, parents assume sole responsibility for infant dental hygiene. Parents should wipe a soft, damp washcloth over an infant's gums after feeding their child. This reduces levels of oral bacteria that lead to infection. As teeth emerge, parents may choose to use an infant toothbrush. Parents should only brush with water, as toothpaste may be toxic to a young child.

Children's Dental Care

The American Dental Association recommends that children receive formal care after the first birthday. By age one, most youth display six to eight teeth. At that point, dental visits educate parents and children on appropriate dental hygiene practices. When two teeth begin to touch, the dentist will introduce flossing as a vital element of quality dental care.

Infant Teeth

Although some children are born with a tooth or numerous teeth showing, most infant teeth do not emerge from the gum line prior to 4-15 months. By a child's first birthday, parents should see up to six teeth. These should be incisors. All teeth should appear by two years of age.


Teething is the process by which teeth become visible. Children may mimic teething actions several months prior to tooth emergence. Teething may seem as hard on the parent as it is on the child because when children teethe, they note a sense of discomfort.

Teething discomfort varies among children. Some infants experience little pain while other babies demonstrate periods of irritability. Irritation and pain may cause your infant to cry a lot. However, while teething may cause discomfort, it does not cause extreme pain, fever, diarrhea or episodic afflictions. If these conditions are noted for an extended period, contact your doctor immediately.

Easing Discomfort

When your child teethes, you may notice increased drool and chewing motions. To ease discomfort, some infants enjoy sucking on a pacifier. An alternate way to soothe pain is to have a child suck on a frozen plastic-wrapped Popsicle. The cold sensation will temporarily numb the pain, infants will have an object to chew on, and there is virtually no mess because the contents of the container are sealed in plastic. If you choose this method, do so cautiously. Do not leave your infant unattended.

Levels of Dental Care

At two years of age, you should introduce your child to self-maintenance. Have your child imitate your brushing motions. Youth may use small amounts of toothpaste and should brush their teeth after each meal.

Tooth Development

Usually, teeth will not develop cavities until three or more years of age. However, if you observe areas of concern, do make a dental appointment.

After 3 years of age, visit the dentist twice a year for an examination of tooth surfaces and structures. Children will gain permanent teeth after 5 years of age. After the wisdom teeth emerge in the late teens, there will be 32 permanent teeth.


Dental care is a lifetime commitment that begins at birth. Parents should teach their children good dental hygiene habits as early as possible. After six months of age, when the teething process commences, children should receive formal checkups from a dentist. Parents should consult with med ical professionals if problems emerge between medical visits.

Beauty Care of Babies

All babies are beautiful, but parents must take an active role in keeping their babies as beautiful as possible. Infant beauty relies on medical care and normal development.

Medical Visits

Parents should consult with a physician to provide and care for the needs of a developing child. Family doctors are trained to address concerns regarding developmental needs. In addition to growth charts, doctors will update youth immunization records and monitor the development of organs such as the lungs and heart.

The ‘Well Baby’

Scheduled visits are “well-baby visits.” These medical checkups are traditionally scheduled 2-3 months apart, or at the discretion of your doctor. Regular checkups will screen for disorders within the cardiac, respiratory and endocrine systems. Early detection is key to managing your child’s health.

Healthy, or ‘normally developing” children, require medical checkups by a physician on a regular basis. As always, if emergencies or areas of concern arise in between formal visits, parents are urged to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

Specialized Care

If the family doctor notes areas of concern, he may refer your child to a specialist. For example, children that are slow to respond to hearing tests will need a specialized auditory examination.

If it is noted that the child is developing slowly, doctors may choose to conduct specialized developmental tests. However, children will progress at their own developmental rate.

Dietary Needs

Your child’s dietary needs will vary as he or she ages. Healthy diets stimulate growth and development. Balanced diets consist of food items from diverse food groups. Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture releases a recommended view of the ideal balanced diet. This visual aid is commonly referred to as the “food pyramid.”

Essentially, a balanced diet consists of grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins. Children do need to consume adequate levels of fats and oils to balance out their diet. Sugars should be consumed in moderation. Excessive sugar intake can aggravate or contribute to the development of juvenile diabetes.

Food Allergies

If your child develops allergies, you will need to contact a physician in order to obtain a medication to stave off bodily reactions. Food allergies occur when the human body recognizes a certain food as dangerous to its immune system. Eggs, fish, peanuts, milk and wheat commonly trigger allergic reactions in both children and adults.

Food allergies are sometimes confused with food intolerance. Unlike food intolerance, food allergies are potentially life threatening. Food intolerance, on the other hand, causes mere discomfort.


As infants age, they will come into increased contact with person and things outside of the home and immediate family. To keep your baby beautiful, carefully monitor their contact with objects and exposure to non-family individuals. Day care centers are useful, but exposure to day centers do increase the number of germs that infants interact with on a daily basis. Parents must wash the child’s hands, feet and face frequently to reduce the possibility of infants catching the “common cold.”

Bath Time

Bath time has the potential to deepen the level of intimacy between parent and child. To ensure child safety, bathe your infant in an enclosed space. You may prefer to bathe your infant in a basin fitted inside a sink or inside of a bathtub. Never leave your child unattended. Children have drowned in as little as one inch of water.

The temperature should be neither hot nor cold. Do use a mild soap, or a soap specially formulated for babies, to wash your child's skin and hair. Children's shampoo decreases the likelihood of irritation to the eyes and scalp.


A beautiful baby is a healthy baby. Consult with a medical professional to ensure your baby's health and normal development. Parents must carefully monitor dietary needs, environmental concerns and developmental stages in order to keep their children healthily beautiful.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Infant Teething and Dental Care


Dental hygiene begins as soon as your child consumes food products of any kind. In the early stages of development, children experience the teething process. Parents should think of creative ways to ease this pain and maintain a commitment to their child's life-long dental care.

Dental Health

Parents must establish beneficial dental hygiene practices with their children as early as possible. Dental care is an invaluable preventative care measure that will lead to years of positive dental health.

Parental Care

Prior to the first year of age, parents assume sole responsibility for infant dental hygiene. Parents should wipe a soft, damp washcloth over an infant's gums after feeding their child. This reduces levels of oral bacteria that lead to infection. As teeth emerge, parents may choose to use an infant toothbrush. Parents should only brush with water, as toothpaste may be toxic to a young child.

Children's Dental Care

The American Dental Association recommends that children receive formal care after the first birthday. By age one, most youth display six to eight teeth. At that point, dental visits educate parents and children on appropriate dental hygiene practices. When two teeth begin to touch, the dentist will introduce flossing as a vital element of quality dental care.

Infant Teeth

Although some children are born with a tooth or numerous teeth showing, most infant teeth do not emerge from the gum line prior to 4-15 months. By a child's first birthday, parents should see up to six teeth. These should be incisors. All teeth should appear by two years of age.


Teething is the process by which teeth become visible. Children may mimic teething actions several months prior to tooth emergence. Teething may seem as hard on the parent as it is on the child because when children teethe, they note a sense of discomfort.

Teething discomfort varies among children. Some infants experience little pain while other babies demonstrate periods of irritability. Irritation and pain may cause your infant to cry a lot. However, while teething may cause discomfort, it does not cause extreme pain, fever, diarrhea or episodic afflictions. If these conditions are noted for an extended period, contact your doctor immediately.

Easing Discomfort

When your child teethes, you may notice increased drool and chewing motions. To ease discomfort, some infants enjoy sucking on a pacifier. An alternate way to soothe pain is to have a child suck on a frozen plastic-wrapped Popsicle. The cold sensation will temporarily numb the pain, infants will have an object to chew on, and there is virtually no mess because the contents of the container are sealed in plastic. If you choose this method, do so cautiously. Do not leave your infant unattended.

Levels of Dental Care

At two years of age, you should introduce your child to self-maintenance. Have your child imitate your brushing motions. Youth may use small amounts of toothpaste and should brush their teeth after each meal.

Tooth Development

Usually, teeth will not develop cavities until three or more years of age. However, if you observe areas of concern, do make a dental appointment.

After 3 years of age, visit the dentist twice a year for an examination of tooth surfaces and structures. Children will gain permanent teeth after 5 years of age. After the wisdom teeth emerge in the late teens, there will be 32 permanent teeth.


Dental care is a lifetime commitment that begins at birth. Parents should teach their children good dental hygiene habits as early as possible. After six months of age, when the teething process commences, children should receive formal checkups from a dentist. Parents should consult with med ical professionals if problems emerge between medical visits.

Getting Baby to Sleep

Getting your baby to sleep will be one of the most challenging things that parents face. Many times parents wonder if their baby would ever sleep through the night or at least sleep comfortably. They are some tips that can help parents teach their babies to get a better night's sleep.

Babies in the early stages of their lives can be taught to distinguish between night and day and this can help them establish better sleeping habits.

Early Development

When your baby is a few weeks old teach them the differences between morning, nap time, and bed time. During the course of the day, make sure that you play with your child, feeding them and talking to them. During the night, keep the lights low, and limit the amount of noise and voices that your child is exposed to. When your baby is between one to two months, put them to bed as soon as they begin to show signs of being tired.

During the day

You have to make sure that when baby naps during the day it is different from sleeping at night. During naps let the baby sleep in a portable crib or bassinet. The room should not be left completely dark. This way they begin to recognize what constitutes naps from bed time.

At Night

Newborn babies will sleep an average of sixteen to eighteen hours a day, babies need plenty of rest. In order to try and get your child into a step by step routine to establish bed time, you should try and do the following to settle them down for the night.


  • First you should try and give baby a bath or at least wash her or his hands. This will give them a soothing feeling and help them to relax.
  • Change the baby's diaper and put on his or her pajamas, this will give them indication that it is time for bed.
  • You can sing softly to the baby or play low music. This will allow baby to hear a familiar voice and recognize the voice before drifting off to sleep. Again this provides a comfortable surrounding for the baby and knowledge that they are not being left alone.
  • You should put your baby in your arms and rock them before you lay him or her down to sleep. Don't prolong the situation make it short, put them into their crib while they are still awake and leave the room.

Things to avoid

They are some things you should avoid doing before putting baby down for bedtime:

  • Don't put cereal in his or her bottle at night, it gives them a feeling of being full and does not allow them to sleep comfortable. They might have problems digesting the food while sleeping, leading to an upset stomach.
  • Don't let the baby fall asleep with a bottle or while nursing, before going to bed. This will get them into the bad habit of expecting you to feed them when they are awake, so that they may go back to sleep.

While no two babies are the same, the important thing to remember is that promoting a consistent sleep routine will help your baby fall asleep faster and will eventually sleep through the night. By following these routines, the baby will begin to understand that going to sleep does not mean that mommy or daddy is leaving them, but putting them to bed for the night. It will also help to establish a pattern for when they get older, hopefully, making it easier for them to continue to sleep on their own.

Beauty Care of Babies

All babies are beautiful, but parents must take an active role in keeping their babies as beautiful as possible. Infant beauty relies on medical care and normal development.

Medical Visits

Parents should consult with a physician to provide and care for the needs of a developing child. Family doctors are trained to address concerns regarding developmental needs. In addition to growth charts, doctors will update youth immunization records and monitor the development of organs such as the lungs and heart.

The ‘Well Baby’

Scheduled visits are “well-baby visits.” These medical checkups are traditionally scheduled 2-3 months apart, or at the discretion of your doctor. Regular checkups will screen for disorders within the cardiac, respiratory and endocrine systems. Early detection is key to managing your child’s health.

Healthy, or ‘normally developing” children, require medical checkups by a physician on a regular basis. As always, if emergencies or areas of concern arise in between formal visits, parents are urged to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

Specialized Care

If the family doctor notes areas of concern, he may refer your child to a specialist. For example, children that are slow to respond to hearing tests will need a specialized auditory examination.

If it is noted that the child is developing slowly, doctors may choose to conduct specialized developmental tests. However, children will progress at their own developmental rate.

Dietary Needs

Your child’s dietary needs will vary as he or she ages. Healthy diets stimulate growth and development. Balanced diets consist of food items from diverse food groups. Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture releases a recommended view of the ideal balanced diet. This visual aid is commonly referred to as the “food pyramid.”

Essentially, a balanced diet consists of grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and proteins. Children do need to consume adequate levels of fats and oils to balance out their diet. Sugars should be consumed in moderation. Excessive sugar intake can aggravate or contribute to the development of juvenile diabetes.

Food Allergies

If your child develops allergies, you will need to contact a physician in order to obtain a medication to stave off bodily reactions. Food allergies occur when the human body recognizes a certain food as dangerous to its immune system. Eggs, fish, peanuts, milk and wheat commonly trigger allergic reactions in both children and adults.

Food allergies are sometimes confused with food intolerance. Unlike food intolerance, food allergies are potentially life threatening. Food intolerance, on the other hand, causes mere discomfort.


As infants age, they will come into increased contact with person and things outside of the home and immediate family. To keep your baby beautiful, carefully monitor their contact with objects and exposure to non-family individuals. Day care centers are useful, but exposure to day centers do increase the number of germs that infants interact with on a daily basis. Parents must wash the child’s hands, feet and face frequently to reduce the possibility of infants catching the “common cold.”

Bath Time

Bath time has the potential to deepen the level of intimacy between parent and child. To ensure child safety, bathe your infant in an enclosed space. You may prefer to bathe your infant in a basin fitted inside a sink or inside of a bathtub. Never leave your child unattended. Children have drowned in as little as one inch of water.

The temperature should be neither hot nor cold. Do use a mild soap, or a soap specially formulated for babies, to wash your child's skin and hair. Children's shampoo decreases the likelihood of irritation to the eyes and scalp.


A beautiful baby is a healthy baby. Consult with a medical professional to ensure your baby's health and normal development. Parents must carefully monitor dietary needs, environmental concerns and developmental stages in order to keep their children healthily beautiful.

Information about Baby's Diet

There are so many questions that arise in a mother's mind regarding her baby. One of the most confusing ones would be regarding feeding. How can you tell whether your baby is hungry and needs feeding or is crying for some other reason? When do you stop feeding? How many times in a day do you need to feed? Is breastfeeding better than formula milk?

Well, don't worry! No mother is an expert and no one expects you to be one. Each baby is unique and has different needs when it comes to their feed and the quantity they require to satisfy their hunger pangs. A mother, after some experience will learn to sense her baby's needs and act on them. Meanwhile, here is some information to get you going.

Breastfeeding is considered the best for a new born baby as the mothers' milk has antibodies which protect the baby and gives them increased resistance and immunity against colds and allergies in the later days to come. It has been observed that children who are breast-fed are stronger, healthier and more intelligent than ones who have not received any. Breast milk has all the essential nutrients required for a baby and should be given for at least six months. While breastfeeding, a mother should be careful about her diet as it affects the baby directly. If for some reason, a mother is unable to breast feed, then formula milk can be given.

Always feed your baby on demand and not on a schedule that has been laid out by anyone. On an average, a baby requires up to eight feeds in a day. But there is no need to worry if your baby is taking less or more than this amount. If your baby is gaining weight proportionately, it means that the food requirements are being met. You need to sense when your baby is full by recognizing when they pull away. Likewise when they are hungry, they will definitely show some signs of discomfort which given time, you will learn to associate with hunger. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, ensure that the bottles are always sterilized so as to avoid any kind of infection. The milk should also be warm and not hot. It is essential to burp the baby after every feed and it is normal for them to bring out some of the milk after feeding is over.

The process of starting babies on solid food is called as weaning. After four to six months, babies can be given carbohydrates like mashed bananas to start with. When the baby completes ten months, they can be given other fruits, vegetables and meats as well. It is good to introduce food items one at a time so as to notice any reactions or allergies to the same. If any reaction occurs, it is advisable to contact your doctor immediately as it should not be ignored.

Feeding is the time when mothers can bond best with their babies. It is a highly satisfying experience and should be cherished. So enjoy this time together and don't think of it as a hassle.

Baby's Diseases: How to Protect your Child

If you think that diseases are only for adults, think again! Babies are prone to a host of diseases and are more susceptible to them than adults. That is why it is very critical for parents to immunize their babies against these diseases at the right time. Neglecting to do so might make you regret it for a long time to come. It is important for parents to keep a chart in order to track when and what injections should be given. Otherwise it can get quite confusing and you may end up missing out on a particular vaccination. If you are keen to know more details about these diseases, their symptoms and how to avoid them or cure them, please browse through the links provided for you along the left panel on our site.

So what are the common but dangerous diseases that babies should be protected against? We will go through a few of them in brief just to give you an overview.

Chicken Pox is one of the most common diseases that children get especially between the ages of 3 and 6. It is caused by a virus and though it is not highly dangerous, sufficient care should be taken during the infection period. A child can get this infection just by being in contact with another person who is infected.

Typhoid is quite a serious condition because if it is not treated properly and at the right time, it can lead to various complications. This bacteria is mainly transmitted to humans from contaminated food and water. Fever is the most common symptom of this disease and it can be treated with antibiotics. Vaccinations are also available these days and should be taken every three years.

Tetanus is a fatal disease again cause by bacteria which affects the nervous system in the human body. It is mainly contracted through a wound which comes in contact with soil or grime which contains animal feces. The main symptom is locked jaw. To prevent tetanus, any wound should be cleaned immediately with antiseptic lotion and it is best to get a tetanus shot to be on the safe side.

Polio is another disease that can be prevented in children by giving the vaccinations at the proper time. It is a virus which affects the nervous system and leads to paralysis. From the time a bay is born till the age of six, a child should ideally receive four doses of the Polio vaccine.

Then there are others like Mumps, Measles and Diphtheria for all of which vaccines are available. Small-pox has been eradicated and therefore vaccines are not given these days though it is available.

Parents should ensure that they do not miss the boosters for the vaccinations that the children are taking. They should follow the plan given by the doctors and should not drop it in between. If proper care is taken, many of these diseases can be avoided. We encourage you to read more of these diseases so as to prevent your children from contracting the same.

Centering the Ideal Baby Shower Center Piece Idea

The baby shower centerpiece idea that works best for your baby shower is going to be a wonderful gathering place for all of your guests. Whether you are throwing a shower for friends or family, planning out the perfect ideal baby shower centerpiece idea is a lot like getting to know your guests and the family around them. You should integrate all you know into a great centerpiece. You can decide from this information as to whether or not you want your centerpiece to be elegant or somewhat strange and eclectic, creating a unique experience for all of your guests with the ideal baby shower centerpiece idea.

As you plan the party, you have to decide on certain elements to go with the style of the party. For this purpose, you need to establish a theme built around whatever variables you decide upon. This means creating a theme for the part that will be based on the type of guests you intend and the type of food, and other things as well. You may want to play it safe and go for a generic baby shower, in which case the centerpiece will be something simple and elegant with a little touch of light colour that reflects the child's gender, if known, or a neutral colour pattern if it is not known.

For Something Extra

The baby shower centerpiece idea should be the focal point of the entire party, it should be the element that draws the guests in to one particular area, and it should be a combining factor that creates an entire focus on the party and on the guest of honour. For this reason, you need the design of the centerpiece to be perfect. You may attempt to create one yourself based around your knowledge of the guest list or you may wish to hire a third party to create it with professional expertise. Whichever method you decide, you need to ensure that it is properly displayed and effective.

To do this, make sure that your baby shower centerpiece idea is the proper colour and size for the place at which you will sit it. It also should be appropriate for the party you are planning and not too gaudy or loud for the guests. It should draw people in but it should never overpower anyone or call too much attention to itself. The baby shower centerpiece idea for your party should be lightly elegant and complimentary to the rest of your décor.

Creating Fun during a Toddler Bath Time

Bath time is one of the main things which offer various moods among toddlers. There are several toddlers who love to take bath, while some don't like taking it but take it when asked and there are some who hate taking bath so much that they create chaos around them and scream and cry while taking bath. The parents whose toddlers don't give them a hard time in the bath tub are considered lucky. For those parents who don't have such a nice time with their toddlers in the bath tub, can follow the following tips. These tips can provide a simple time for both toddlers and parents.

Stay Effortless

If the toddler is giving a hard time to the parent, then the first thing to do is to tell the toddler that no matter what the conditions and circumstances are, it is obligatory for the toddler to take a bath. Move on to next step, when once the toddler is confirmed that the frightening bath is going to happen, no matter what. It may look annoying and struggling to have a more terrible time in giving a toddler bath at times when the parents are totally worn out, but this will give assurance to the toddler that the bath will take place no matter what and he will know that whatever parents say, it does happen.

Dealing with stubborn toddlers in bath tub does take away mental peace. After putting the toddler in the bath tub, a short playtime of five to ten minutes may seem like a good option to make up the toddler's mind for a bath. Some parents may choose bubble bath to provide fun to the toddlers but in reality, this should be totally prevented. For stubborn toddlers, it's the best option to give them one round for hair washing and one for body bath and then take them out of the bath tub as soon as possible.

Enjoyment in the Tub

As it does not look like much amusement giving a shower to those toddlers who don't enjoy bathing, it is a better option to arrange for some enjoyment for them in the bath tub. One method for providing such fun is to get them the toddler bath toys. Get such toys which are toddler's favorite so that the toddler spends time playing while parent give him a bath.

The parent should declare that its time for the child to take a bath and then ask the child if he is in the mood of playing with the exclusive tub toys. Tub toys may include rubber-made ducks, famous cartoon character, and even plastic animals.

Not only such toys but there can be those toys and games which are made solely for toddler bath tub inclusive of crayons and paint which the child can utilize to make interactive things. In the market, there are such tablets available which can change the color of water when they are thrown in the water of the tub. All these things can provide fun time for a toddler during bath time.



Crying is a normal event in the lives of all babies.When a baby comes out of the woomb the first thing to do is crying.By the first cry he will take some air in to the lungs for the first time in their life.After delivery if the baby doesnot cry then it should be initiated by slightly pinching or gently strocking the feet.From this it is clear that the healthy baby should cry and it is a normal physiological event ,still some times it can upset the mother or family members.

We all know that a baby can't tell his needs or troubles in words. The only way for him to communicate with others is by crying.Babies show some other signs like feet kicking,hand waving and head turning ect.But the best way to take the attention of others is by crying.

Excessive crying may not have a firm definition because the crying habit changes from baby to baby and some babies can be calmed easily but some are difficult to sooth.If crying is distressing for the mother and home nurse it can be called excessive.Many a times baby become quiet by giving breast milk or by carrying with a gentle rocking.Sudden onset of excessive crying means baby is distressed and needs attention.The causes of crying extends from simple reasons to life threatening conditions.Hence crying of a baby should not be ignored.

Most of the time it is difficult to find the cause of the cry .Common causes are discussed here for awareness.

Common reasons for crying:


A hungry baby will cry till he gets the milk. Here the old saying comes true'crying baby gets the milk'.


Urination and defecation causes some discomfort and results in crying till his parts are cleaned and made dry .


Majority of the kids need somebody near. If they feel lonely they cry.When their favourite doll slips away from the grip they cry for help.


When the baby is tired after a journey and unable to sleep just cry simply.They feel tired in uncomfortable sourroundings and due to unhealthy climate.

5,Heat & cold:--

If they feel too hot or too cold they become restless and cry. Child is comfortable in a room with good ventilation.

6,Tight cloathing:--

Tight cloaths especially during warm climate is intolerable for kids.Tight elastic of the the dress can also produce soreness in the hip region.

7,Dark room:--

When the baby wakes up from sleep he needs some dim light.If there is darkness he will disturb the sleep of parents by crying.Ofcourse he will be irritated by strong light resulting in cry.


Yes,these creatures disturb the sleep by their blood sucking and make the baby to cry.

9,Nasal blocking:--

Child may not be able to sleep when there is a cold and go on crying till the passage is open.

10, Phlegm in throat:--

This also causes difficult breathing resulting in cry.Often a typical sound can be heard with each breath.

11,General aching:--

Generalised body ache with restlessness is seen in flu and prodromal stages of some infectious diseases can result in continuous cry.

12,Habitual cry:---Some babies cry without any real cause ending the parents in agony.Many a times doctor is called for help.

13,Nappy rash:-- If a tight and wet nappy is kept for a long time results in this conditon.
Rash can also be due to some allergic reaction to the elastic material of the nappy. When the rash appears it causes soreness and baby become sleepless and cry. All other skin lesions like eczema,ecthyma ,candidiasis ect also causes same problems.


Ear infection is common in wet climate.The infection may spread from the throat.Ear infection can result in rupture of ear drum causing discharge of pus.Eareache usually becomes worse at night when lying down.Child will become restless with cry and may not allow you to touch the ear.Some children with earache rub the affected ear frequently.


When the baby cry continuously most of us diagnose it as colic.This roblem is still a topic for debate because exact cause for colic is not known and diagnosis is also difficult to confirm.Colic may be associated with rumbling and distention of abdomen.Child often feels better when lying on abdomen.Some children may not allow you to touch the abdomen.If the child cries continuously doctors help is needed.


All infections causes some kind of pain or irritation resulting in cry.Infection may be anywhere in the body.Usually it is associated with fever, redness and swelling.

17,Reactions to certain food:--

It is said that one man's food is another man's poison. Some food articles can produce some allergic reactions.Allergy is manifested in the form of redness, breathlessness,gastric symptons and continuous cry.

18,Hard stools:--

Constipated babies with hard stools may cry when they get the urge for stool.Some children hesitate to pass stool because of pain .

19,Gastro esophagial reflex:--

Here baby cries with spilling of food after feeding.If this continues it may be due to gastroesophageal reflex.This is due to failure of the lower part of esophagus to close after food causing regurgitation from the stomach.It is difficult to diagnose this condition and can be confirmed by giving antireflex medicines.

20, Dentition:--

During dentition child becomes restless with crying.Often associated with gastric troubles and diarrhoea.

Some rare reasons

1,Bowel obstruction:--

Bowel obstruction is associated with severe pain and vomiting.Abdomen is distended with rumbling sound.Baby is constipated with absence of flatus.


Invasion of pathogenic micro organisms in to the blood is called septicemia.Fever is associated with this condition.

3,Torsion of testes in male kids:--

When a male baby cries continuously his scrotum should be examined.Torsion of the testes produce severe pain which will be worse by touching the affected testes.When the testes is pressed upwards pain is releived.If this is not treated properly it can damage the affected testes due to lack of blood supply.


Initially there may not be fever,hence crying baby with alternate vacant stare and irritability should not be ignored.Fontanel is bulging. Neck rigidity and seizures may appear later.

5,Retention of urine:--

Children with retention of urine will have agonising pain making them restless.

7,Major injuries:--

Major injury to any parts of the body causes pain.Occasionally children will fall while arrying and results in head injury.Head injury is associated with reflex vomiting and convulsions.


The especial province of the mother is the prevention of disease, not its cure. When disease attacks the child, the mother has then a part to perform, which it is especially important during the epochs of infancy and childhood should be done well. I refer to those duties which constitute the maternal part of the management of disease.

Medical treatment, for its successful issue, is greatly dependent upon a careful, pains-taking, and judicious maternal superintendence. No medical treatment can avail at any time, if directions be only partially carried out, or be negligently attended to; and will most assuredly fail altogether, if counteracted by the erroneous prejudices of ignorant attendants. But to the affections of infancy and childhood, this remark applies with great force; since, at this period, disease is generally so sudden in its assaults, and rapid in its progress, that unless the measures prescribed are rigidly and promptly administered, their exhibition is soon rendered altogether fruitless.

The amount of suffering, too, may be greatly lessened by the thoughtful and discerning attentions of the mother. The wants and necessities of the young child must be anticipated; the fretfulness produced by disease, soothed by kind and affectionate persuasion; and the possibility of the sick and sensitive child being exposed to harsh and ungentle conduct, carefully provided against.

Again, not only is a firm and strict compliance with medical directions in the administration of remedies, of regimen, and general measures, necessary, but an unbiased, faithful, and full report of symptoms to the physician, when he visits his little patient, is of the first importance. An ignorant servant or nurse, unless great caution be exercised by the medical attendant, may, by an unintentional but erroneous report of symptoms, produce a very wrong impression upon his mind, as to the actual state of the disease. His judgment may, as a consequence, be biased in a wrong direction, and the result prove seriously injurious to the welldoing of the patient. The medical man cannot sit hour after hour watching symptoms; hence the great importance of their being faithfully reported. This can alone be done by the mother, or some person equally competent.

There are other weighty considerations which might be adduced here, proving how much depends upon efficient maternal management in the time of sickness; but they will be severally dwelt upon, when the diseases with which they are more particularly connected are spoken of.


During infancy.

cleanliness is essential to the infant's health. The principal points to which especial attention must be paid by the parent for this purpose are the following:

At first the infant should be washed daily with warm water; and a bath every night, for the purpose of thoroughly cleaning the body, is highly necessary. To bathe a delicate infant of a few days or even weeks old in cold water with a view "to harden" the constitution (as it is called), is the most effectual way to undermine its health and entail future disease. By degrees, however, the water with which it is sponged in the morning should be made tepid, the evening bath being continued warm enough to be grateful to the feelings.

A few months having passed by, the temperature of the water may be gradually lowered until cold is employed, with which it may be either sponged or even plunged into it, every morning during summer. If plunged into cold water, however, it must be kept in but a minute; for at this period, especially, the impression of cold continued for any considerable time depresses the vital energies, and prevents that healthy glow on the surface which usually follows the momentary and brief action of cold, and upon which its usefulness depends. With some children, indeed, there is such extreme delicacy and deficient reaction as to render the cold bath hazardous; no warm glow over the surface takes place when its use inevitably does harm: its effects, therefore, must be carefully watched.

The surface of the skin should always be carefully and thoroughly rubbed dry with flannel, indeed, more than dry, for the skin should be warmed and stimulated by the assiduous gentle friction made use of. For this process of washing and drying must not be done languidly, but briskly and expeditiously; and will then be found to be one of the most effectual means of strengthening the infant. It is especially necessary carefully to dry the arm-pits, groins, and nates; and if the child is very fat, it will be well to dust over these parts with hair-powder or starch: this prevents excoriations and sores, which are frequently very troublesome. Soap is only required to those parts of the body which are exposed to the reception of dirt.

During childhood.

When this period arrives, or shortly after, bathing is but too frequently left off; the hands and face of the child are kept clean, and with this the nurse is satisfied; the daily ablution of the whole body, however, is still necessary, not only for the preservation of cleanliness, but because it promotes in a high degree the health of the child.

A child of a vigorous constitution and robust health, as he rises from his bed refreshed and active by his night's repose, should be put into the shower-bath, or, if this excites and alarms him too much, must be sponged from head to foot with salt water. If the weather be very cold, the water may be made slightly tepid, but if his constitution will bear it, the water should be cold throughout the year. Then the body should be speedily dried, and hastily but well rubbed with a somewhat coarse towel, and the clothes put on without any unnecessary delay. This should be done every morning of the child's life.

If such a child is at the sea-side, advantage should be taken of this circumstance, and seabathing should be substituted. The best time is two or three hours after breakfast; but he must not be fatigued beforehand, for if so, the cold bath cannot be used without danger. Care must be taken that he does not remain in too long, as the animal heat will be lowered below the proper degree, which would be most injurious. In boys of a feeble constitution, great mischief is often produced in this way. It is a matter also of great consequence in bathing children that they should not be terrified by the immersion, and every precaution should be taken to prevent this. The healthy and robust boy, too, should early be taught to swim, whenever this is practicable, for it is attended with the most beneficial effects; it is a most invigorating exercise, and the cold bath thus becomes doubly serviceable.

If a child is of a delicate and strumous constitution, the cold bath during the summer is one of the best tonics that can be employed; and if living on the coast, sea-bathing will be found of singular benefit. The effects, however, of sea-bathing upon such a constitution must be particularly watched, for unless it is succeeded by a glow, a feeling of increased strength, and a keen appetite, it will do no good, and ought at once to be abandoned for the warm or tepid bath. The opinion that warm baths generally relax and weaken, is erroneous; for in this case, as in all cases when properly employed, they would give tone and vigour to the whole system; in fact, the tepid bath is to this child what the cold bath is to the more robust.

In conclusion: if the bath in any shape cannot from circumstances be obtained, then cold saltwater sponging must be used daily, and all the year round, so long as the proper reaction or glow follows its use; but when this is not the case, and this will generally occur, if the child is delicate and the weather cold, tepid vinegar and water, or tepid salt water, must be substituted.


The respiration of a pure air is at all times, and under all circumstances, indispensable to the health of the infant. The nursery therefore should be large, well ventilated, in an elevated part of the house, and so situated as to admit a free supply both of air and light. For the same reasons, the room in which the infant sleeps should be large, and the air frequently renewed; for nothing is so prejudicial to its health as sleeping in an impure and heated atmosphere. The practice, therefore, of drawing thick curtains closely round the bed is highly pernicious; they only answer a useful purpose when they defend the infant from any draught of cold air.

The proper time for taking the infant into the open air must, of course, be determined by the season of the year, and the state of the weather. "A delicate infant born late in the autumn will not generally derive advantage from being carried into the open air, in this climate, till the succeeding spring; and if the rooms in which he is kept are large, often changed, and well ventilated, he will not suffer from the confinement, while he will, most probably, escape catarrhal affections, which are so often the consequence of the injudicious exposure of infants to a cold and humid atmosphere." If, however, the child is strong and healthy, no opportunity should be lost of taking it into the open air at stated periods, experience daily proving that it has the most invigorating and vivifying influence upon the system. Regard, however, must always be had to the state of the weather; and to a damp condition of the atmosphere the infant should never be exposed, as it is one of the most powerful exciting causes of consumptive disease. The nurse-maid, too, should not be allowed to loiter and linger about, thus exposing the infant unnecessarily, and for an undue length of time; this is generally the source of all the evils which accrue from taking the babe into the open air.


Disorder of the stomach and bowels is one of the most fruitful sources of the diseases of infancy. Only prevent their derangement, and, all things being equal, the infant will be healthy and flourish, and need not the aid of physic or physicians.

There are many causes which may give rise to these affections; many of them appertain to the mother's system, some to that of the infant. All are capable, to a great extent, of being prevented or remedied. It is, therefore, most important that a mother should not be ignorant or misinformed upon this subject. It is the prevention of these affections, however, that will be principally dwelt upon here; for let the mother ever bear in mind, and act upon the principle, that the prevention of disease alone belongs to her; the cure to the physician. For the sake of clearness and reference, these disorders will be spoken of as they occur:

To the infant at the breast.

The infant's stomach and bowels may become deranged from the breast-milk becoming unwholesome. This may arise from the parent getting out of health, a circumstance which will be so manifest to herself, and to those more immediately interested in her welfare, that it is only necessary just to allude to it here. Suffice it to say, that there are many causes of a general kind to which it may owe its origin; but that the most frequent is undue lactation, and the effects both upon mother and child fully dwelt upon.

Anxiety of mind in the mother will cause her milk to be unhealthy in its character, and deficient in quantity, giving rise to flatulence, griping, and sometimes even convulsions in the infant. A fit of passion in the nurse will frequently be followed by a fit of bowel complain in the child. These causes of course are temporary, and when removed the milk becomes a healthy and sufficient for the child as before.

Sudden and great mental disturbance, however, will occasionally drive away the milk altogether, and in a few hours. A Mrs. S., aet. 29, a fine healthy woman, of a blonde complexion, was confined of a boy. She had a good time, and a plentiful supply of milk for the child, which she continued to suckle till the following January, a period of three months, when her milk suddenly disappeared. This circumstance puzzled the medical attendant, for he could not trace it to any physical ailment; but the milk never returned, and a wet-nurse became necessary. In the following spring the husband of this lady failed, an adversity which had been impending since the date when the breast-milk disappeared, upon which day the deranged state of the husband's affairs was made known to the wife, a fact which at once explained the mysterious disappearance of the milk.

Unwholesome articles of diet will affect the mother's milk, and derange the infant's bowels. Once, I was called to see an infant at the breast with diarrhoea. The remedial measures had but little effect so long as the infant was allowed the breast-milk; but this being discontinued, and arrow-root made with water only allowed, the complaint was quickly put a stop to. Believing that the mother's milk was impaired from some accidental cause which might now be passed, the infant was again allowed the breast. In less than four-and-twenty hours, however, the diarrhoea returned. The mother being a very healthy woman, it was suspected that some unwholesome article in her diet might be the cause. The regimen was accordingly carefully inquired into, when it appeared that porter from a neighbouring publican's had been substituted for their own for some little time past. This proved to be bad, throwing down, when left to stand a few hours, a considerable sediment; it was discontinued; good sound ale taken instead; the infant again put to the breast, upon the milk of which it flourished, and never had another attack.

In the same way aperient medicine, taken by the mother, will act on the child's bowels, through the effect which it produces upon her milk. This, however, is not the case with all kinds of purgative medicine, nor does the same purgative produce a like effect upon all children. It is well, therefore, for a parent to notice what aperient acts thus through her system upon that of her child, and what does not, and when an aperient becomes necessary for herself, unless she desire that the infant's bowels be moved, to avoid the latter; if otherwise, she may take the former with good effect.

Again; the return of the monthly periods whilst the mother is a nurse always affects the properties of the milk, more or less, deranging the stomach and bowels of the infant. It will thus frequently happen, that a few days before the mother is going to be unwell, the infant will become fretful and uneasy; its stomach will throw up the milk, and its motions will be frequent, watery, and greenish. And then, when the period is fully over, the milk will cease to purge. It is principally in the early months, however, that the infant seems to be affected by this circumstance; for it will be generally found that although the milk is certainly impaired by it, being less abundant and nutritious, still, after the third or fourth month it ceases to affect the infant. Is then a mother, because her monthly periods return after her delivery, to give up nursing? Certainly not, unless the infant's health is seriously affected by it; for she will generally find that, as the periods come round, by keeping the infant pretty much from the breast, during its continuance, and feeding him upon artificial food, she will prevent disorder of the child's health, and be able in the intervals to nurse her infant with advantage. It must be added, however, that a wet- nurse is to be resorted to rather than any risk incurred of injuring the child's health; and that, in every case, partial feeding will be necessary at a much earlier period than when a mother is not thus affected.

The milk may also be rendered less nutritive, and diminished in quantity, by the mother again becoming pregnant. In this case, however, the parent's health will chiefly suffer, if she persevere in nursing; this, however, will again act prejudicially to the child. It will be wise, therefore, if pregnancy should occur, and the milk disagree with the infant, to resign the duties of a nurse, and to put the child upon a suitable artificial diet.

The infant that is constantly at the breast will always be suffering, more or less, from flatulence, griping, looseness of the bowels, and vomiting. This is caused by a sufficient interval not being allowed between the meals for digestion. The milk, therefore, passes on from the stomach into the bowels undigested, and the effects just alluded to follow. Time must not only be given for the proper digestion of the milk, but the stomach itself must be allowed a season of repose. This evil, then, must be avoided most carefully by the mother strictly adhering to those rules for nursing.

The bowels of the infant at the breast, as well as after it is weaned, are generally affected by teething. And it is fortunate that this is the case, for it prevents more serious affections. Indeed, the diarrhoea that occurs during dentition, except it be violent, must not be subdued; if, however, this is the case, attention must be paid to it. It will generally be found to be accompanied by a swollen gum; the freely lancing of which will sometimes alone put a stop to the looseness: further medical aid may, however, be necessary.

At the period of weaning.

There is great susceptibility to derangements of the stomach and bowels of the child at the period when weaning ordinarily takes place, so that great care and judgment must be exercised in effecting this object. Usually, however, the bowels are deranged during this process from one of these causes; from weaning too early, from effecting it too suddenly and abruptly, or from over-feeding and the use of improper and unsuitable food. There is another cause which also may give rise to diarrhoea at this time, independently of weaning, viz. the irritation of difficult teething.

The substitution of artificial food for the breast-milk of the mother, at a period when the digestive organs of the infant are too delicate for this change, is a frequent source of the affections now under consideration.

The attempt to wean a delicate child, for instance, when only six months old, will inevitably be followed by disorder of the stomach and bowels. Unless, therefore, a mother is obliged to resort to this measure, from becoming pregnant, or any other unavoidable cause, if she consult the welfare of her child, she will not give up nursing at this early period.

Depriving the child at once of the breast, and substituting artificial food, however proper under due regulations such food may be, will invariably cause bowel complaints. Certain rules and regulations must be adopted to effect weaning safely, the details of which are given elsewhere.

If too large a quantity of food is given at each meal, or the meals are too frequently repeated, in both instances the stomach will become oppressed, wearied, and deranged; part of the food, perhaps, thrown up by vomiting, whilst the remainder, not having undergone the digestive process, will pass on into the bowels, irritate its delicate lining membrane, and produce flatulence, with griping, purging, and perhaps convulsions.

Then, again, improper and unsuitable food will be followed by precisely the same effects; and unless a judicious alteration be quickly made, remedies will not only have no influence over the disease, but the cause being continued, the disease will become most seriously aggravated.

It is, therefore, of the first importance to the well-doing of the child, that at this period, when the mother is about to substitute an artificial food for that of her own breast, she should first ascertain what kind of food suits the child best, and then the precise quantity which nature demands. Many cases might be cited, where children have never had a prescription written for them, simply because, these points having been attended to, their diet has been managed with judgment and care; whilst, on the other hand, others might be referred to, whose life has been hazarded, and all but lost, simply from injudicious dietetic management. Over-feeding, and improper articles of food, are more frequently productive, in their result, of anxious hours and distressing scenes to the parent, and of danger and loss of life to the child, than almost any other causes.

The irritation caused by difficult teething may give rise to diarrhoea at the period when the infant is weaned, independently of the weaning itself. Such disorder of the bowels, if it manifestly occur from this cause, is a favourable circumstance, and should not be interfered with, unless indeed the attack be severe and aggravated, when medical aid becomes necessary. Slight diarrhoea then, during weaning, when it is fairly traceable to the cutting of a tooth (the heated and inflamed state of the gum will at once point to this as the source of the derangement), is of no consequence, but it must not be mistaken for disorder arising from other causes. Lancing the gum will at once, then, remove the cause, and generally cure the bowel complaint.


During infancy.

For three or four weeks after birth the infant sleeps more or less, day and night, only waking to satisfy the demands of hunger; at the expiration of this time, however, each interval of wakefulness grows longer, so that it sleeps less frequently, but for longer periods at a time.

This disposition to repose in the early weeks of the infant's life must not be interfered with; but this period having expired, great care is necessary to induce regularity in its hours of sleep, otherwise too much will be taken in the day-time, and restless and disturbed nights will follow. The child should be brought into the habit of sleeping in the middle of the day, before its dinner, and for about two hours, more or less. If put to rest at a later period of the day, it will invariably cause a bad night.

At first the infant should sleep with its parent. The low temperature of its body, and its small power of generating heat, render this necessary. If it should happen, however, that the child has disturbed and restless nights, it must immediately be removed to the bed and care of another female, to be brought to its mother at an early hour in the morning, for the purpose of being nursed. This is necessary for the preservation of the mother's health, which through sleepless nights would of course be soon deranged, and the infant would also suffer from the influence which such deranged health would have upon the milk.

When a month or six weeks has elapsed, the child, if healthy, may sleep alone in a cradle or cot, care being taken that it has a sufficiency of clothing, that the room in which it is placed is sufficiently warm, viz. 60 degrees, and the position of the cot itself is not such as to be exposed to currents of cold air. It is essentially necessary to attend to these points, since the faculty of producing heat, and consequently the power of maintaining the temperature, is less during sleep than at any other time, and therefore exposure to cold is especially injurious. It is but too frequently the case that inflammation of some internal organ will occur under such circumstances, without the true source of the disease ever being suspected. Here, however, a frequent error must be guarded against, that of covering up the infant in its cot with too much clothing throwing over its face the muslin handkerchief and, last of all, drawing the drapery of the bed closely together. The object is to keep the infant sufficiently warm with pure air; it therefore ought to have free access to its mouth, and the atmosphere of the whole room should be kept sufficiently warm to allow the child to breathe it freely: in winter, therefore, there must always be a fire in the nursery.

The child up to two years old, at least, should sleep upon a feather bed, for the reasons referred to above. The pillow, however, after the sixth month, should be made of horsehair; for at this time teething commences, and it is highly important that the head should be kept cool.

During childhood.

Up to the third or fourth year the child should be permitted to sleep for an hour or so before its dinner. After this time it may gradually be discontinued; but it must be recollected, that during the whole period of childhood more sleep is required than in adult age. The child, therefore, should be put to rest every evening between seven and eight; and if it be in health it will sleep soundly until the following morning. No definite rule, however, can be laid down in reference to the number of hours of sleep to be allowed; for one will require more or less than another.Regularity as to the time of going to rest is the chief point to attend to; permit nothing to interfere with it, and then only let the child sleep without disturbance, until it awakes of its own accord on the following morning, and it will have had sufficient rest.

The amount of sleep necessary to preserve health varies according to the state of the body, and the habits of the individual. Infants pass much the greater portion of their time in sleep. Children sleep twelve or fourteen hours. The schoolboy generally ten. In youth, a third part of the twenty-four hours is spent in sleep. Whilst, in advanced age, many do not spend more than four, five, or six hours in sleep.

It is a cruel thing for a mother to sacrifice her child's health that she may indulge her own vanity, and yet how often is this done in reference to sleep. An evening party is to assemble, and the little child is kept up for hours beyond its stated time for retiring to rest, that it may be exhibited, fondled, and admired. Its usual portion of sleep is thus abridged, and, from the previous excitement, what little he does obtain, is broken and unrefreshing, and he rises on the morrow wearied and exhausted.

Once awake, it should not be permitted to lie longer in bed, but should be encouraged to arise immediately. This is the way to bring about the habit of early rising, which prevents many serious evils to which parents are not sufficiently alive, promotes both mental and corporeal health, and of all habits is said to be the most conducive to longevity.

A child should never be suddenly aroused from sleep; it excites the brain, quickens the action of the heart, and, if often repeated, serious consequences would result. The change of sleeping to waking should always be gradual.

The bed on which the child now sleeps should be a mattress: at this age a feather bed is always injurious to children; for the body, sinking deep into the bed, is completely buried in feathers, and the unnatural degree of warmth thus produced relaxes and weakens the system, particularly the skin, and renders the child unusually susceptible to the impressions of cold. Then, instead of the bed being made up in the morning as soon as vacated, and while still saturated with the nocturnal exhalations from the body, the bed-clothes should be thrown over the backs of chairs, the mattress shaken well up, and the window thrown open for several hours, so that the apartment shall be thoroughly ventilated. It is also indispensably requisite not to allow the child to sleep with persons in bad health, or who are far advanced in life; if possible, it should sleep alone.