There are so many questions that arise in a mother's mind regarding her baby. One of the most confusing ones would be regarding feeding. How can you tell whether your baby is hungry and needs feeding or is crying for some other reason? When do you stop feeding? How many times in a day do you need to feed? Is breastfeeding better than formula milk?
Well, don't worry! No mother is an expert and no one expects you to be one. Each baby is unique and has different needs when it comes to their feed and the quantity they require to satisfy their hunger pangs. A mother, after some experience will learn to sense her baby's needs and act on them. Meanwhile, here is some information to get you going.
Breastfeeding is considered the best for a new born baby as the mothers' milk has antibodies which protect the baby and gives them increased resistance and immunity against colds and allergies in the later days to come. It has been observed that children who are breast-fed are stronger, healthier and more intelligent than ones who have not received any. Breast milk has all the essential nutrients required for a baby and should be given for at least six months. While breastfeeding, a mother should be careful about her diet as it affects the baby directly. If for some reason, a mother is unable to breast feed, then formula milk can be given.
Always feed your baby on demand and not on a schedule that has been laid out by anyone. On an average, a baby requires up to eight feeds in a day. But there is no need to worry if your baby is taking less or more than this amount. If your baby is gaining weight proportionately, it means that the food requirements are being met. You need to sense when your baby is full by recognizing when they pull away. Likewise when they are hungry, they will definitely show some signs of discomfort which given time, you will learn to associate with hunger. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, ensure that the bottles are always sterilized so as to avoid any kind of infection. The milk should also be warm and not hot. It is essential to burp the baby after every feed and it is normal for them to bring out some of the milk after feeding is over.
The process of starting babies on solid food is called as weaning. After four to six months, babies can be given carbohydrates like mashed bananas to start with. When the baby completes ten months, they can be given other fruits, vegetables and meats as well. It is good to introduce food items one at a time so as to notice any reactions or allergies to the same. If any reaction occurs, it is advisable to contact your doctor immediately as it should not be ignored.
Feeding is the time when mothers can bond best with their babies. It is a highly satisfying experience and should be cherished. So enjoy this time together and don't think of it as a hassle.
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